All model forests must have the six following characteristics:
A dinamic and integrated association in wich the parts interested in the regional natural resources carry, by general consent, the process to define SFM in important local terms and work together to reach it.
A commitment with sustainable forest management.
A landscape big enough, so that it can be a representative model of the different uses and principles of the forest of an specific area.
A representative, participatory, clear and responsible governmental structure.
A programme of activities that shows the necessities and principles of its members.
A commitment with knowledge exchange, working in a network at all levels going from the nacional level to the international level.
Not all model forest are the same. Some of them are located in sparsely populated areas, where rural poverty and access to resources are matters of utmost importance. Others, perhaps, are located in densely populated areas where the urban-rural matters such as the water quality, recreation areas and biodiversity have a prominent function in the formula of sustainable forest management.